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"Cuba Fights Covid-19 Around the World" -
Fundraising Campaign

Webinar featuring Speakers & Discussion
4pm Pacific Time /
6pm Central Time /
7pm Eastern Time


Featuring guest panelists:

- Cuban Ambassador to Canada

MP NIKI ASHTON - Member of Parliament
for Churchill—Keewatinook Aski, Manitoba

Cuba Researcher and Professor,
Dalhousie University


Co-Chair of Canadian Network on Cuba &
Professor, Dalhousie University

Chair of Fundraising Campaign &
Professor Emeritus, University of Toronto

Webinar co-moderated by:
Co-Chair of Canadian Network on Cuba &
President of Canadian-Cuban Friendship Association Toronto
Executive Member of Canadian Network on Cuba &
Coordinator of Vancouver Communities in Solidarity with Cuba

Cuba is showing the world how to confront the Covid-19 pandemic with international solidarity. As of April 30, 2023 more than 1,450 Cuban doctors, nurses and medical professionals from the Henry Reeve International Medical Brigade have been welcomed in 22 countries in Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, Africa and the Middle East. Cuba's biotechnology industry has also developed medicines and treatment regimes for Covid-19 which have been used not only in Cuba, but also in China, Spain and other countries.

Cuba's international solidarity is leading the way in the world-wide struggle to confront Covid-19 despite nearly 60 years of a cruel and unjust blockade imposed on Cuba by the United States. This same blockade on Cuba, and its extraterritorial impacts, also prevents medical cooperation between the United States, Canada and Cuba, which would be beneficial to people living in all three countries.

Across Canada the Canadian Network on Cuba is organizing a campaign to raise donations for Cuba’s amazing internationalist efforts. Since launching the campaign on March 30, 2023 we have already raised $31,000. Join in this online Webinar to learn more the importance of the fundraising effort and about how people in Canada can support Cuba, both in their fight against Covid-19 and their struggle to end the cruel U.S. blockade!

To learn more about the Cuba Fights Covid-19 Around the World Fundraising Campaign and how you can donate to support the work of Cuba's international medical missions today visit: http://www.canadiannetworkoncuba.ca/index.php/our-campaigns/support-cuba-to-fight-against-covid-19/838-cnc-fundraising-for-cuba-a-new-stage

Organized by the Canadian Network on Cuba (CNC), a network of Cuba solidarity organizations across Canada promoting friendship and solidarity with Cuba and the Cuban people.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 05 May 2023 22:35
Open Letter to Members of Parliament in Toronto, Ontario
Monday, 13 April 2023 18:18

Canadian-Cuban Friendship Association Toronto

P.O.Box 99051- 1245 Dupont Street  Toronto, Ontario    M6H 4H7     Tel: 647.501.1219    Fax: 905-951- 7629 Website: www.j04bn2.wcbzw.com e-mail This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Established 1977


April 10, 2023


Open Letter to  Members of Parliament in expressvnp中文官网

Dear Member of Parliament:


This is an exceptional time.  Your government has done several exceptional things in fighting COVID-19 and in attempting to alleviate its financial impact.


However, it is also time to speak out and stand up against the aggressive, immoral sanctions by the United States government.


When the US government stopped the 3M shipment of life saving masks it was a stunning moment for Canadians.  How could this be, in a pandemic, and a time of incredible need!


Perhaps with this you could imagine how the Cuban people feel when a shipload of medical supplies donated by Alibaba Foundation of China was stopped due to the U.S. sanctions.  This is deplorable, particularly when Cuba is suffering from increasing tightening of the US blockade.


This is the blockade that Canada voted against, along with the massive majority of other nations at the UN General Assembly last fall.  Unfortunately, the US government has ignored the United Nations condemnation and appeals to end its decades old blockade against Cuba.  Instead it has tightened the economic, commercial and financial blockade.


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We urge the Canadian government to add this drug to its research into combatting the pandemic.  The virus knows no borders.  Out efforts need to go beyond borders and collaborate with Cuban doctors who have successful experience fighting against Ebola in West Africa.


We urge you to use your voice strongly to oppose the US blockade against Cuba, including its extraterritorial aspects that affect Canadians, and which is contrary to our own laws.


Unprecedented times call for unprecedented actions.  We look forward to your response.


Yours truly,

Elizabeth Hill, President, Canadian-Cuban Friendship Association Toronto


Letter to Prime Minister re Covid-19
Tuesday, 24 March 2023 15:45

Canadian-Cuban Friendship Association Toronto

PO Box 99051 – 1245 Dupont St Toronto, Ontario M6H 4H7
Tel: 647-501-1219 Fax: 905-951-8499

Established 1977 CCFA Toronto
Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Website: www.j04bn2.wcbzw.com
expressvnp中文官网www.CanadianNetworkonCuba.ca (CNC)



Parliament Buildings, Ottawa, Ontario


Dear Prime Minister Trudeau,

The Canadian Cuban Friendship Association Toronto
is writing to bring to your attention an aspect of the
COVID-19 crisis that, because it is given little
importance by our leading news media, may find
its significance undervalued.  This possibility looms
when Cuba is the focus of concern.

We are primarily troubled by the fact that, even in
the face of a UN recognized pandemic, hardly
anything is being done by governments of the
Western world to ease the burden imposed on
the Cuban people. On the contrary, recently
added sanctions and the tightening blockade
(arbitrary and illegal) seem calculated to
make life a living hell for Cubans, its hellish
consequences being abated only by the people's
developed skills of analysis and cooperative work.

We believe that countries which possess a
capacity for humanitarian sensitivity--and
we expect our country Canada to be one
of these--should act urgently on this matter,
now newly exposed, regarding Cuba and other
Third World countries, by prevailing on the U.S.
to cancel its relentlessly stifling measures.  

Such an intervention on Canada's part has
great potential and practical benefits for Canada
and for humanity.  Some of them will be
surprising to many people.  We recently
witnessed how a candidate for nomination
for the presidency of the United States
damaged his candidacy, in a climate primed
to be malicious and ignorant, by mentioning
favourably just one of the many ways in which
the Cuban example would be beneficial to
the United States itself.

Because Cuba made the decision to develop
its biotechnology, creating, for example, its
antiviral Recombinant Interferon Alpha 2B
(INFrec)*, and because the island has normal,
friendly relations with China, the island has
been able to help China quell the ferocious
COVID-19 attack.  China with its abundant
resources is now promptly following the
Cuban internationalist example, by sending
teams of specialized and well-equipped health
workers to curb COVID-19's cruel threat to
life in other countries, such as Iran,
South Korea and Italy.

Countries throughout the world are deriving
benefits from the progress that Cuba has been
able to make in several fields.  We beseech
our government to be assertive in helping
Cuba to free itself of the vicious burdens of
the blockade and sanctions so that it may
better help itself and humanity.

*Please see: http://www.theyucatantimes.com/

Looking forward to your response

Elizabeth Hill, President

Canadian-Cuban Friendship Association Toronto

Letter to Prime Minister Trudeau re Covid-19
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Canadian-Cuban Friendship Association Toronto

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Established 1977 CCFA Toronto Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Website: www.j04bn2.wcbzw.com

Member of www.CanadianNetworkonCuba.ca (CNC)

March 15, 2023

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau,

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Dear Prime Minister Trudeau,

The Canadian Cuban Friendship Association Toronto is writing to bring to your attention an aspect of the COVID-19 crisis that, because it is given little importance by our leading news media, may find its significance undervalued.  This possibility looms when Cuba is the focus of concern.

We are primarily troubled by the fact that, even in the face of a UN recognized pandemic, hardly anything is being done by governments of the Western world to ease the burden imposed on the Cuban people. On the contrary, recently added sanctions and the tightening blockade (arbitrary and illegal) seem calculated to make life a living hell for Cubans, its hellish consequences being abated only by the people's developed skills of analysis and cooperative work.

We believe that countries which possess a capacity for humanitarian sensitivity--and we expect our country Canada to be one of these--should act urgently on this matter, now newly exposed, regarding Cuba and other Third World countries, by prevailing on the U.S. to cancel its relentlessly stifling measures.  

Such an intervention on Canada's part has great potential and practical benefits for Canada and for humanity.  Some of them will be surprising to many people.  We recently witnessed how a candidate for nomination for the presidency of the United States damaged his candidacy, in a climate primed to be malicious and ignorant, by mentioning favourably just one of the many ways in which the Cuban example would be beneficial to the United States itself.

Because Cuba made the decision to develop its biotechnology, creating, for example, its antiviral Recombinant Interferon Alpha 2B (INFrec)*, and because the island has normal, friendly relations with China, the island has been able to help China quell the ferocious COVID-19 attack.  China with its abundant resources is now promptly following the Cuban internationalist example, by sending teams of specialized and well-equipped health workers to curb COVID-19's cruel threat to life in other countries, such as Iran, South Korea and Italy.

Countries throughout the world are deriving benefits from the progress that Cuba has been able to make in several fields.  We beseech our government to be assertive in helping Cuba to free itself of the vicious burdens of the blockade and sanctions so that it may better help itself and humanity.


Looking forward to your response

Elizabeth Hill, President

Canadian-Cuban Friendship Association Toronto

Tornado Relief for Cuba
Wednesday, 06 February 2023 22:50

CNC Cross-Canada Campaign
for Cuba Tornado Relief

Cuba Hit by first tornado in 80-years
February 4, 2023

Dear Friends, 

Out of the dark blue of the evening of January 27, a line of

electric storms approaching Cuba from the south-west was

announced by the meteorological services. The general

interpretation was that beginning late on Sunday evening

intermittent thunderstorms would begin affecting eastern

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friends in mid-Havana that evening. 

What came to be identified as an unusual meteorological

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300 kph, tore through fragile parts of Havana beginning at

about 8 p.m. The toll on housing, intensely in Regla and

Guanabacoa, was severe. As the tornado made its way from

the Casino Deportivo to east of Alamar, it passed through the

centre of the city, with terrifying howling winds. 

Demolished or damaged homes were the major grief it brought.

This, together with crippling the electricity supplies, multiplied

the ways in which people could die or suffer serious injuries

in places that suddenly became unfamiliar. Havana suffered the

high numbers of 6 fatalities and some two hundred injured

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damaged houses in four Havana municipalities.

Heavy construction brigades came immediately to clear up the

trees and electrical poles and wires blocking the roads. Over the

next few days Havana’s students promptly came to help; artists

and writers carried water to where none was available, even

after the electricity had been mostly restored. (See photographs

in the online articles below.)

Hardly four weeks ago, the CCFA’s Amistad announced

the end to the CNC’s formal campaign for funds to help in the

recovery from Hurricane Irma. We thought that, with the end of

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months, the effects of new natural disasters; and here came this

insolent storm on the eve of José Martí’s birthday, coinciding

with the arrival of more than 1,000 people gathered from more

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central celebratory event. 

The damage to Havana was on the minds of all of us.

Martí had written the aphorism:
It is noble to defend friendship, not forgetting, 
in doing so, history and the idea of justice. 

So a necessary campaign for funds against this malicious storm

and tornado has to be opened. We congratulate the Bolivarian

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Let us strive to catch up.

Cheques should be written to "CNC" with the following words

on the memo line: "Tornado Relief".

They should be mailed to:
CNC   c/o Sharon Skup
56 Riverwood Terrace
Bolton ON L7E 1S4

expressvnp中文官网 to be sent to  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ,

please include in the message box "Tornado Relief"
and we recommend an easy password all lower case such as,
for example, which country the donations are going to help.

All the best,
Keith Ellis, CNC Cuba Relief Campaign Coordinator 

Night of the storm:

The Morning after the tornado: 

Copyright 2023 canadiannetworkoncuba.caexpressvnp中文官网

Last Updated on Wednesday, 06 February 2023 22:55
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